Ответы Вселенной

Why do couples leave each other and go away when something happens between them...? i don't understand for a REASON they leave each other..... The time they spent with each other is this they known each other,.... please me get me the answer friends

  • lack of understanding among each other.

    feelings and emotions are kind of actions for understanding like persons,situations & others.these are very short term.

    search for a way to understand each other rather than impressing each other

  • Any relationship is broken because of misunderstanding, betrayal, cheating n lies. There are many other reasons coz of which relationship are broken

  • Sometimes it just seems the right thing to do, or the only escape the have... not all the couples have that strong love of romeo and juliet... this is normal and so expected …

  • There is ups and downs in every relationship, but only few is able to handle the downs. I guess it's easier to leave, than solve the problems

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