Ответы Вселенной

What do you do when everyone is against you.. even your self

  • We are against ourself when we dont convinced ourself when we done wrong or doing mistake which would disturbed many other things..

  • No one will be against themselves, but this happens when we wont think while doing anything. So keep this in the mind.

  • Wow ur self against u..i dont think so

  • keep your mind at ease and then find the cause of the problem..

  • When even your self is against you then you shouldn't do the thing that you wanted to do.

  • Using your head for what you need to do. Remember you must know why EVERYONE (not just single person but you said everyone) against it. If it logically right then you must follow them. Sometimes we are too young to understand something or inexperience. Talking with people who trustable and ask them what need to do.

  • First of all find out why everyone is against you

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